Sqf Exam Sample Questions

Question: Which of the following is required as part of the development of an SQF System?

Answer: Designate an SQF practitioner.

Question: What is identified in the site’s scope of certification?

Answer: The site and products processed.

Question: How often must the site register in the SQF database?

Answer: Annually

Question: Which of the following is true in regards to SQF auditors?

Answer: They are employed by or contracted to a licensed SQFI certification body.

Question: In what timeframe must the site address any non-conformities raised during a desk audit?

Answer: Any time before proceeding with the site audit.

Question: Independent desk audits are conducted as part of _______.

Answer: initial certification

Question: Within how many calendar days does a site have to close out all major non-conformities from the last day of the certification audit?

Answer: 30 days

Question: Which audit rating, when issued after the completion of a certification or re-certification audit, will require the site to undergo a surveillance audit?

Answer: C—Complies

Question: Within how many calendar days from the last day of the audit must the certification body make the audit report available to the site?

Answer: Ten (10)

Question: Within how many days from the last day of the site audit must a certification body make a certification decision?

Answer: Forty-five (45)

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