Sql Contains Four Statements For A Database Command.

Question: Data

Answer: raw information, collected raw facts and values - stock prices

Question: Information

Answer: data that has been processed and analyzed to give the facts more value and meaning - a graph of stock prices over time

Question: Types of data formats

Answer: text, image, audio, video

Question: Types of data sources

Answer: industries, governments, individuals, and more

Question: common sources of data - Social Networks

Answer: Facebook, twitter, youtube, blogs, search engines, etc

Question: common sources of data - business systems

Answer: medical records, commercial transactions, bank records, e-commerce

Question: common sources of data - Internet of Things

Answer: home automation, weather sensors, traffic sensors, webcams, surveillance videos, security images

Question: Data.gov

Answer: A U.S. government geoportal that allows access to U.S. Federal Executive Branch datasets. provides more than 250,000 U.S. government data sets to support research and application development

Question: NASA’s Data Portal

Answer: provides numerous data sets in categories such as aerospace, earth science, and space science

Question: National Cancer Institute

Answer: The federal government’s principal agency for cancer research. Collects and reports data and information relative to all forms of cancer. Also provides support for research, grants, and training in the pursuit for a cure for cancer.

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