Squamous Pertains To

Question: An antigen is a substance when introduced into the body stimulates the ______ of an opposing substance known as an antibody

Answer: Production

Question: Arthrocentesis refers to a surgical _____ of a ______

Answer: Puncture, joint

Question: The lacrimal glands secrete _____

Answer: tears

Question: The term lacteal pertains to or of _____

Answer: Milk

Question: Meningitis is an ______ of the _____ covering the brain and spinal cord

Answer: Inflammation, membrane

Question: Curcumoral refers to the area _____ the ____

Answer: Around, mouth

Question: A gastropylorectomy is the surgical ______ of the portion of the _____ containing the ____ into the intestines

Answer: Excision, pyloric, stomach

Question: The term squamous pertains to being _____

Answer: Scaly

Question: Sublingual pertains to being located _____ the _____

Answer: Under, tongue

Question: A visceral denotes pertaining to an internal _____ especially in the abdomen

Answer: Organ

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