Square Deal Apush

Question: Pragmantism

Answer: Psychology; people shape their environment and the environment shapes people

Question: Muckrakers

Answer: Journalist that criticized the government and big business. Called out politicians on corruption

Question: Robert LaFolette

Answer: Governor of Wisconsin. “Wisconsin Idea”. Most progressive governor.

Question: Seventeenth Amendment

Answer: The people elect two senators per state to represent them, instead of the senators being elected by a committee.

Question: T.R.’s “Square Deal”

Answer: The Square Deal was President Theodore Roosevelt’s domestic program formed upon three basic ideas: conservation of natural resources, control of corporations, and consumer protection. These three demands are often referred to as the “three C’s” of Roosevelt’s Square Deal.

Question: Hepburn Act

Answer: Strengthened the Interstate Commerce Act Commission. Regulated the railroad industry

Question: The Jungle

Answer: By Upton Sinclair, the American people got a glimpse of what the Chicago meat packing industry was like. Led Roosevelt to pass the Pure Drug and Food Act.

Question: Bull Moose Party

Answer: A name given to the Progressive Party, formed to support Theodore Roosevelt’s candidacy for the presidency in 1912.

Question: New Nationalism

Answer: Roosevelt’s domestic platform during the 1912 election accepting the power of trusts and proposing a more powerful government to regulate them

Question: New Freedom

Answer: Democrat Woodrow Wilson’s political slogan in the presidential campaign of 1912; Wilson wanted to improve the banking system, lower tariffs, and, by breaking up monopolies, give small businesses freedom to compete.

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