Which Of The Following Accurately Characterizes Ancient Egyptian Civilization


Answer: a


Answer: c


Answer: b

Question: In contrast to the Old Kingdom, the role of the pharaoh in the Middle Kingdom was that of

  1. an inaccessible god

  2. b. a shepherd, a provider of public projects and assistance

  3. c. a symbolic fisherman for his people

  4. d. a warrior-king

  5. e. a sacrificial scapegoat

  6. Answer: b

  7. Question:

  8. Answer: c

  9. Question:

  10. Answer: a

  11. Question: Egyptian hieroglyphs

  12. a. used sacred characters as picture signs

  13. b. employed the use of the alphabet

  14. c.were written only on a paper made from papyrus reed and oak bark

  15. d. were introduced by the Amorites

  16. e. were borrowed from the practice of the Phoenicians

  17. Answer: a

  18. Question: The independent African state that emerged at the end of the second millennium BCE was

  19. a. Axm

  20. b. Mali

  21. c. The Maghreb

  22. d. Kush

  23. e. Zanj

  24. Answer: d

  25. Question:

  26. Answer: d

  27. Question: During the reign of Akhenaten,

  28. a. monotheism permanently replaced polytheism in Ancient Egypt

  29. b. foreign affairs were ignored and Syria and Palestine were lost

  30. c. Thebes was replaced by Cairo as the capital

  31. d. The Hyskos invaded the Nile Valley

  32. e. The Sea peoples were driven from Egypt

  33. Answer: b

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