Which Of The Following Accurately Describes A Fuel Cell Vehicle

Question: Aquifers provide drinking water for how much of the world’s population?

Answer: 50%

Question: Which of the following is false?

Answer: Groundwater is stationary, it does not move.

Question: Which of the following offers the greatest conservation of water?

Answer: trickle or drip irrigation

Question: A community-based effort to develop and use coastal resources sustainably.

Answer: integrated coastal management

Question: One of the most important and effective ways to reduce flooding is to

Answer: preserve and restore wetlands

Question: By 2010 the UN projects that what percentage of the world’s people will be living along or near the ocean coasts?

Answer: 80%

Question: The mining law that governs the exploration and mining of hardrock minerals on U.S. public lands was passed into law in what year?

Answer: 1872

Question: A common form of extracting gold from rock used in Australia and North America is

Answer: cyanide heap leaching

Question: Granite is what type of rock?


Answer: igneous

Question: Waste soil and rock removed during surface mining is called

Answer: spoil

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