Which Of The Following Was A Rule Of Paleolithic Societies

Question: In which region is there some evidence that during the last Ice Age, Paleolithic peoples may have lived in more permanent settlement, at least temporarily abandoning their nomadic journeys?

Answer: The Ukraine

Question: Which of the following was a reason why some Paleolithic societies were able to settle in permanent villages?

Answer: The end of the Ice Age, which improved conditions for hunting and gathering

Question: What was the Neolithic Revolution?

Answer: A turning point in human history when Homo sapiens started the deliberate cultivation of plants and domestication of animals

Question: What term is used to describe the gradual spread of agricultural techniques from the places they originated?

Answer: Diffusion

Question: Which pastoral people first mastered horseback riding?

Answer: Pastoralists of Central Asia

Question: What best describes aboriginal society in Australia before the arrival of Europeans in 1788 C.E.?

Answer: Groups of gatherers and hunters frequently exchanged items including ritual items, useful materials, and drugs.

Question: Why were Paleolithic societies more egalitarian than their successors?

Answer: Because their nomadic existences did not allow for the production of much surplus wealth

Question: Which of the following statements about the Neolithic Revolution is true?

Answer: It led to a new mutual dependence between humans and the plants and animals they domesticated.

Question: Which of the following was a distinctive outcome of the Agricultural Revolution?

Answer: Unprecedented rise in the human population

Question: Which of the following best describes the impact of pastoralists on Eurasian history?

Answer: Their powerful military confederations played a major role in Eurasian history for thousands of years.

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