Which Of The Following Would Lead To Increased Erythropoiesis

Question: Which would lead to increased erythropoiesis?

Answer: Chronic bleeding ulcer, Reduction in respiratory ventilation, Reduced blood flow to the kidneys.

Question: Sickling of RBC’s can be induced in a person with sickle cell anemia by…

Answer: Blood loss, stress, vigorous excersize, fever.

Question: A child is diagnosed with sickle cell anemia. This means that ..

Answer: Both parents carried the sickle cell gene

Question: Polycythemia vera will result in…

Answer: Abnormally high blood viscosity.

Question: Which of the following is not typical of leukocytes?

Answer: The most numerous cells in the blood stream

Question: The leukocyte that releases histamine and other inflammatory chemicals is the…

Answer: Basophil

Question: Which of the following formed elements are phagocytic?

Answer: Neutrophils, Monocytes

Question: A condition resulting from thrombocytopenia is…

Answer: Petechiae

Question: Which of the following can cause problems in a transfused reaction?

Answer: Clogging of small vessels by agglutinated clumps of RBC’s, Lysis of donated RBC’s, Blockage of Kidney Tubules.

Question: If an RH- Mother becomes pregnant, when can hemolytic disease of the newborn not possibly occur in this child?

Answer: If the child is RH-, If the father is RH-

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