Which Of The Following Would Likely Have The Highest Porosity

Question: The ease with which fluids pass through a rock is determined by the rock’s

Answer: Permeability.

Question: Which of the following would probably have the highest porosity?

Answer: Sandstone

Question: Most of the water in the hydrosphere is found in

Answer: The oceans.

Question: The zone of saturation is also commonly referred to as

Answer: Phreatic zone.

Question: The vadose zone is also known as the

Answer: Unsaturated zone.

Question: The set of processes by which ground water is replenished is termed

Answer: Recharge

Question: The water table

Answer: Is the top of the zone of saturation.

Question: When the groundwater leaves the aquifer via escaping the surface in a spring or flowing into a stream it results in

Answer: Discharge.

Question: Groundwater discharge does not occur naturally

Answer: Through water wells.

Question: Artesian conditions require

Answer: A confined aquifer.

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