JKO Fundamentals of Personnel Recovery (PR 102) Questions and Answers

An F-16 was shot down by an enemy SAM. His wingman reported seeing a fireball but no parachute


Petty Officer Jones is unaccounted for after a vehicle-borne improvised explosive device attack on his convoy


Frank Johnson, a US Army contractor working as a mechanic, was reported kidnapped


Lieutenant Tate is on leave back at home status. He has not been heard from in three days


Put in order


US military, DOD civilians, DOD contractor personnel, and others designated by the President of the United States of the Secretary of Defense who are separated from their unit while participating in a sponsored military activity or mission and are or may be in a situation where they must survive, evade, resist, and escape are?

Isolated personnel

During the preparation function, every person, process, material, and non material capability utilized for PR activities must be aimed at the following.

Both A and B

During the __ function, JFC's and their staffs must analyze the operational environment, and the friendly and adversarial capabilities.


This function impacts the other functions of the system while they are being accomplished. It must be responsive, continuous, and considered during all functions of the PR system.


The PR system is comprised of four functions: Preparation, Planning, Execution, and ____-


Using Military, diplomatic, of civil efforts to prepare for and execute the recovery and reintegration of isolated personnel is an example of?

Personnel Recovery

This execution task consists of the precess of returning isolated personnel back to duty through a series of medical screenings, debriefings, and decompression protocols.


When directed, the DOD shall provide PR support to other governments, agencies, organizations, and individuals in accordance with all applicable laws, regulations, and memoranda of agreements or understanding


Which of the following is not an objective of the DOD PR system

Respond to questions from the media

This execution task consists of action required to provide notification that personnel have or may become isolated


The 5 PR execution tasks are Report, Locate, ____, recover, and reintegrate.


DOD has a moral obligation to

All of the above

_____is the primary joint force organization responsible for planning and coordinating personnel recovery for military operations within an assigned operational area


____ is the primary component organization responsible for coordinating and controlling component PR missions




Commanders and staffs should create a separate C2 system for missions


In what instance should a PR duty officer be co-located in the JOC to act as a liaison element between the JPRC and the JOC

When the JPRC cannot integrate with the JFCs JOC

Direct command relationships between military commanders and interagency, nongovernmental personnel, and multinational forces are predetermined and established before a PR incident occurs


Which of the following statements about the location of a PRCC is true

All of the above

What entity acts as a compartmented special operations node that coordinates, synchronizes, and deconflict NAR operations


This organization is established in each theater to provide a venue for interagency cooperation


Which entity will facilitate PR coordination consistent with the component commander's guidance and directives for recovery operations within his operational area


Principle PR nodes where coordination takes place and information is shared includes coordination between the

All of the above

When DOD is tasked to provide military support to civil authorities, its forces perform in a supporting role


What is the primary joint force organization that is responsible for planning, and coordinating personnel recovery for military operations within an assigned operational area?


What organization serves as the office of primary responsibility (OPR) for DOD wide PR matters


This organization is the focal point for planning, directing, and executing joint air operations



JP 3-50
CJCSI 3270.01A
DODI 3002.01E
Appendix 5 to annex C

This entity should consider certain additional items such as survival radios, evasion charts, and signaling devices, if deemed to be at risk of isolation

Isolated personnel

This entity is responsible for identifying equipment requirements and providing equipment to subordinate elements

commanders and staff

The guidance available to this element includes joint and Service PR doctrine, PR SPINS, and unit recovery SOPs.

All of the above

This informal stand alone document that details how recovery forces are to be employed during a specific operation in a given theater


Appendix 5 to Annex C of a Plan, known as the _____, is developed by the CCDR or Joint Task Force (JTF) staff and identifies PR responsibilities and procedures for a specific operations

PR appendix

This is a DOD form that contains identification and authentication data of an isolated person


Which of the following is an area of education and training for commanders and staffs

All of the above

This force entity is responsible for identifying equipment requirements and providing equipment to subordinate elements

Commanders and staff

Because isolating events can occur suddenly and are unexpected, personnel should be prepared by carrying ____ when operations place them in danger of isolation

Both A and B

_____ must provide definitive PR guidance to subordinate units as it relates to the assigned missions in their operational areas


Provides guidance and procedures necessary to plan, coordinate, and conduct PR across the range of military operations

JP 3-50

Many units develop internal ____, that detail the planning and execution of PR operations.


Thorough preparation by commanders and staff, recovery forces, and _____ will increase the probability of mission success and decrease the amount of time that recovery forces must operate in a hostile or uncertain operation environment.


This plan is developed prior to executing a mission, and outlines the actions of an individual or group if an isolating event occurs


This strategic document is published by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and implements DODI 3002.01

CJCSI 3270.01B Personnel Recovery within the department of defense

This document, used only by military personnel, provides information to the isolated personnel to enhance survivability in the event of isolation or captivity


An example of an evasion aid for personnel at risk of being isolated is _____.

Blood Chit

Which of the following is an area of education and training for the recovery forces?

Authentication procedures

PR education and training for individual focuses on two major areas: SERE training and _____

Evasion Aids

Which of the following equipment needs to be considered in preparation for recovery forces

Navigation Equipment

These types of capabilities can include location and characteristics of potential detention, interrogation and medical treatment facilities where captured isolated personnel may be held

Adversary capabilities

These types of capabilities can include terrain, climate and weather, food and water sources, flora and fauna, concealment, lines of communications and avenues of approach


When the State Department negotiates the release of isolated personnel, what PR option is being employed?


Joint and component communications planning should ensure that there is communications interoperability between these entities

All of the above

With the requirement for speed, flexibility, and the need to overcome distances, what is the best and most common means of communicating between isolated personnel and recovery forces?


This document details PR responsibilities and procedures and assigns tasks for recovery of isolated personnel and their return to friendly control within the respective areas of responsibility

PR appendix

This PR capability combines US capabilities with one or more coalition or allied nations' capabilities, or other international organizations in order to provide commanders more options and flexibility to meet PR requirements


With the requirement for speed, flexibility and the need to overcome distances, ___ communications are the best and most common means of communicating between isolated personnel and recovery forces during PR operations


This PR capability is utilized when a Service or component unilaterally recovers an isolated person


_____ must have a full understanding of the overall plan and the commander's intent for executing a PR plan

PR planners

The JFC may be directed to provide PR support to OGAs in the operational area or incorporate their PR capabilities into military recovery operations


This is the term that describes the capability of an isolated person to enlist the aid of others who are not normally considered in the friendly force planning

Opportune individual

The PR appendix tasks commanders and staffs and forces with actions that will develop the PR capability envisioned by the JFC


_____ must provide definitive PR guidance to subordinate units as it relates to the assigned missions in their operational areas


This PR option may include sanctioned or unsanctioned intervention by intergovernmental organizations, international organizations, nongovernmental organizations, influential person, and or private citizens


Physical environment factors include terrain, climate, and weather, food and water sources, flora and fauna, concealment, lines of communication and _____

Avenues of approach

This PR option can be exercised through negotiation, armistice, and/or treaty


This PR option is defined as the planning and execution of activities by commanders and staffs, recovery forces and isolated personnel across the range of military operations to report, locate, support, recover and reintegrate isolated personnel


This is the term that describes the capability of the isolated personnel to survive and independently evade back to friendly control

unassisted individual

All of the following are examples of OGAs except

DOD contractors

Which of the following is not an adversary capability that needs to be taken into consideration during a PR event


The PR plan should address how the PR ____ are accomplished by the joint forces


These types of assets are specifically trained, organized and equipped for PR, and identified to the JFC by their component commander as the primary forces to plan and conduct PR


These types of assets may not be trained, organized or equipped for PR but have a recognized ability or capability to conduct or support PR missions and may be identified as assets to be tasked, if required


joint and component communications planning should ensure that there is communications interoperability between which of the following?

All of the above

The ____ details PR responsibilities and procedures, and assigns tasks for the recovery of isolated personnel and their return to friendly control within respective areas of responsibility

PR appendix

Multinational participation can provide the JFC with a broader range of PR capability, but it could also increase interoperability concerns


When considering environment, you should look at ____-

Both A and B

PR communications must be rapid, reliable, secure, and _______


Authentication of personnel is accomplished through ATO SPINS, ISOPREP, or locally derived means of authentication


Infom isolated person's family of US government's commitment to recover their family member


Establish communication with the isolated personnel and increase the isolated person's situational awareness


Used to report an isolating event and notify national assets for assistance



US Marines
US Navy
Civil SAR



Structured SERE intelligence debriefings and decompression

Phase II

Conducted by the respective Service in the Continental US

Phase III

Begins as soon as the recovered isolated personnel are in the care of US forces

Phase I

Intelligence debriefs to collect tactical or perishable information

Phase I

Phase II is where reintegration with family members may begin initially with contact by phone


A ____ is used to report a situation that may require a PR mission


_____ is a critical task that allows the DOD to gather necessary intelligence and SERE information while protecting the health and wellbeing of returned isolated personnel


The ____ is used to backup verbal communications that cross Service and functional component lines or are forwarded to joint commands and activities


_____ is the primary USAF recovery method utilized to conduct component and joint PR tastings. It is normally accomplished with a mix of dedicated and augmenting assets


The ___ task involves the coordinated actions and efforts of commanders and staffs, recovery forces, and isolated personnel to bring the isolated personnel under physical custody of a friendly organization


The ____ has no dedicated units to conduct PR. However, they do have the capabilities to support PR with maneuver, aviation, and maritime units


The reporting of an isolating event can be based on any of the following except

Any of the above

Phase II begins as soon as the recovered isolated personnel are in the care of US forces


Acquired authentication information must be sufficient enough to allow for multiple authentications over a period of time


The support task involves providing support to both the isolated person and to the isolated persons family


SAR of civilians in an emergency is carried out as a humanitarian and legal obligation under the overall arrangements and principles described in the _____


Reintegration is normally conducted in ____ phases which may take place at multiple locations


_____ is comprised of forces to execute a PR mission to locate, support, and recover isolated personnel


Authentication of isolated personnel can be accomplished through which of the following

All of the above

The phases of reintegration are event driven and ends when duty determination is made


In cases where the president declares a "major disaster", a number of possible national mechanisms are activated to assist state and local governments in the alleviation of the suffering and damage resulting from major disaster or emergency. These mechanisms are documented in the _____


Execution begins with the ___ task


Military support is also available to assist with SAR. This support is documented through the

All of the above

Support includes which of the following efforts

Suppressing Enemy threats

The ____ updates the SARIRs and coordinates, summarizes, or terminates recovery operations. It also transmits at least once daily from the components PRCCs to the FPRC, and is forwarded as appropriate to the joint force operations officer


Support to the isolated person's family begins after the isolated personnel has been recovered


_____ conduct PR functions in support of their own operations and may also perform PR activities as part of joint PRTF

Special Ops

The ____ task involves the efforts taken to precisely find and confirm the identity of isolated personnel
