Which Of The Following Was Associated With The Intolerable Acts

Question: What major event first led the British government to seek ways to make the colonies bear part of the cost of the empire?

Answer: the Seven Years’ War

Question: Virtual representation was the idea:

Answer: that each member of Britain’s House of Commons represented the entire empire, not just his own district.

Question: The Sugar Act alarmed colonists because it:

Answer: made it more difficult to evade paying the tax on molasses.

Question: The Stamp Act created such a stir in the colonies because:

Answer: it was the first direct tax Parliament imposed on the colonies.

Question: What contribution did the Stamp Act episode make to the colonists’ concept of liberty?

Answer: The Stamp Act Congress insisted that the right to consent to taxation was essential to people’s freedom.

Question: The Sons of Liberty:

Answer: led New York colonists’ protests of the Stamp Act.

Question: The Declaratory Act of 1766:

Answer: rejected American claims that only their elected representatives could levy taxes.

Question: What armed group, motivated by deep frustrations with the corruption of North Carolina’s county officials, was defeated by the colony’s militia at the 1771 Battle of Alamance?

Answer: the Regulators

Question: The Townshend Act did all of the following EXCEPT:

Answer: reaffirm Boston’s decision to abide by the Quartering Act.

Question: The “Daughters of Liberty” was the name given to:

Answer: women who spun and wove to create their own clothing rather than buy British goods.

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